Instruction During COVID-19: Less Learning Time Drives Fears of Academic Erosion
CRPE’s research on school district remote learning plans is cited in Education Week.
School districts use a variety of tactics to keep learning on track
CRPE’s research on district remote learning plans is cited in the Philadelphia Notebook.
Analysis: Is Summer Canceled? From Virtual Camp to Family Mental Health Supports to Outdoor Adventures (Really!), 5 Ways to Reinvent School Vacation
CRPE’s brief on Colorado’s Blueprint4SummerCO platform is cited in The 74.
Hawaii Schools Under Pressure To Provide More Data About Remote Learning
CRPE’s database on district remote learning plans is cited in Honolulu Civil Beat.
Pandemic Exposes Equity, Access Gaps in Distance Learning
CRPE’s database on district remote learning plans is cited in Governing.
As the school year ends, remote learning still has its rough spots
Sean Gill is quoted in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on CRPE’s database of district remote learning plans.
Four Steps States Can Take to Level the Remote Learning Playing Field
The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare some old truths: where you live and what school you attend has profound impacts on what students can expect to get out of public education. Some students get instruction from teachers while others don’t; some students choose from a multitude of personalized learning pathways while others get packets of […]
We Must Close the Gap Between Research and Policy in School Systems’ Responses to COVID-19
In times of crisis, knowledge must flow freely and quickly. The COVID-19 pandemic created just such a crisis in K-12 education. As our database on school districts’ response to the COVID shutdown shows, districts and states are struggling to mount effective responses and to plan for the possibility that a return to traditional schooling might […]
Serving Special Needs Students During COVID-19: A Rural Educator’s Story
CRPE’s database of district remote learning plans is cited in Education Week.
Summer Haze: School Districts Slow to Communicate What Will Happen After the School Year Ends
The end of an unusual school year is on the horizon, yet few districts have provided details on what, if any, summer learning opportunities their students will have. Summer school is typically used to make up missed credits, provide enrichment, or give working families much-needed childcare. This year, there are new, urgent needs. Almost every […]