Juli Kim

Public Impact


Juli Kim is a consultant with Public Impact.


Juli Kim

  • Research Reports    

Pods in Action: The Central Florida Urban League

Juli Kim, Sharon Kebschull Barrett

CFUL opened Whitney M. Young Academy, a microschool designed to meet the individual needs of low-income, African American students.

  • Research Reports    

Equitable Pandemic Learning Pods? A Glimpse of an Emerging Ecosystem

Juli Kim, Bryan C. Hassel, Paola Gilliam

This working paper maps the ecosystem of organizations needed to support equitable learning pods.

  • Research Reports    

Pods in Action: African Leadership Group

Juli Kim, Paola Gilliam, Sharon Kebschull Barrett

The African Leadership Group created a learning pod that in most cases not only helped students keep up but actually improved their academic performance over the 2020–21 school year.

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