Biden’s gambit: Will schools be ready to reopen in 100 days?
Robin Lake is quoted in Education Dive on President Biden’s 100-day school reopening plan.
CPS students need support to succeed in hybrid learning model
Bree Dusseault is quoted on school districts’ varying learning models during the pandemic.
Joe Biden’s Stimulus Plan Emphasizes School Reopenings
HuffPost cites CRPE’s data on school districts’ learning models.
Why British Kids Went Back to School, and American Kids Did Not
The Atlantic cites CRPE’s data on American school districts’ learning models.
States Renew Efforts to Track Student Attendance as Pandemic Stretches On
Education Week cites CRPE’s data on attendance tracking during COVID-19.
Switch to remote ed fuels concerns for disabled students
Robin Lake is quoted in the Rome Sentinel on concerns for students with disabilities in remote learning.
Remote Learning Will Keep a Strong Foothold Even After the Pandemic, Survey Finds
Education Week features a report from the American School District Panel. Robin Lake is quoted.
A boiling point’: America’s children are suffering. Here’s what they’ve lost during Covid.
Betheny Gross is quoted by NBC News on learning loss amid COVID-19.
What Educators Need to Hear From Biden on COVID-19
CRPE’s analysis of school district reopening plans is cited in Education Week.
School closings threaten gains of students with disabilities
Robin Lake is quoted by the Associated Press on the challenges of serving students with disabilities amid school closures.