How Hybrid Learning Is (and Is Not) Working During COVID-19: 6 Case Studies
Bree Dusseault is quoted in Education Week on the hybrid learning model.
Online learning help: Teen creates website that organizes the best online resources for all ages
Robin Lake appeared on CBS News in a segment about online learning.
Making a School Reopening Decision and Taking the Heat
CRPE’s analysis of district reopening plans is cited in Education Week.
California to consider shorter Smarter Balanced tests this spring
Robin Lake is quoted in EdSource on testing in California.
Survey Finds Most Teachers Assigned Busy Work in the Spring. Now, Experts Say, It’s Time to Give Students More Challenging Assignments — Remote or Not
Robin Lake is quoted in The 74 on instruction amid COVID-19.
Slow responses in shift to remote learning hurting students
CRPE’s fall analysis of remote learning is featured in District Administration.
Some Parents Are Demanding In-Person Schooling as the Pandemic Stretches On
CRPE’s analysis of district reopening plans is cited in TIME.
Cyber charter enrollments are surging. School districts are picking up the tab.
Robin Lake is quoted on the costs of remote learning in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
More Schools Are Reopening as Covid-19 Cases Rise Nationwide
CRPE’s analysis of a nationally representative sample of district reopening plans is cited in the Wall Street Journal.
Back to school: Many large districts are opening doors again
Robin Lake is quoted in the Washington Post on school reopenings.