How much online learning is too much? Schools’ shift to live virtual classes sparks pushback
Alice Opalka is quoted in Chalkbeat Newark about the shift to virtual learning.
When Is It Safe for Schools to Open? Many States Haven’t Given Clear Answers
Education Week covers CRPE’s analysis of state health guidance for school districts amid the pandemic.
Is a six-hour school day too much? Families cope with realities of virtual learning
Alice Opalka is quoted in Chalkbeat Chicago on how districts are approaching virtual learning for the new school year.
Indianapolis Public Schools created free virtual learning pods. It took a ‘herculean effort.’
Chalkbeat Indiana covers CRPE’s webinar on efforts in Indianapolis to create equitable learning hubs for students.
Will This Be a Lost Year for America’s Children?
The New York Times cites CRPE’s national review of school district reopening plans.
To start an unusual school year, some Washington state districts let teachers take the lead
Robin Lake is quoted in the Seattle Times on how Washington school districts are responding to the pandemic.
How COVID-19 Is Forcing Districts to Make an Abrupt Shift Back to Remote Instruction
CRPE’s brief Getting Back to School: An Update on Plans from Across the Country is cited in Education Week.
Learning Hubs’ Offer Free Child Care And Learning — But Only For A Lucky Few
CRPE’s database of school district COVID-19 plans is cited in this NPR piece on learning hubs.
Most urban schools will start the year with all-remote learning
CRPE’s nationally representative review of district reopening plans is featured in Axios.
Disrupted schooling will deepen inequality for American students
Robin Lake is quoted in The Economist on widening inequities in education amid the pandemic.