Lost Summer: How Schools Missed a Chance to Fix Remote Learning
Our data on state and district responses to COVID-19 is cited in The New York Times.
Coronavirus: How pandemic pods and zutors are changing home-schooling
Bree Dusseault is quoted by BBC News on widening gaps of inequality in education during the pandemic.
LAUSD, teachers reach tentative deal on remote learning
Robin Lake is quoted in the Los Angeles Times on the deal LAUSD has reached with teachers on remote learning.
Teachers Are Wary of Returning to Class, and Online Instruction Too
Robin Lake is quoted in The New York Times on school reopening plans amid COVID-19.
As the School Year Approaches, Education May Become the Pandemic’s Latest Casualty
Robin Lake is quoted in TIME on the future of education amid COVID-19.
Outside COVID-19 hot spots, try to reopen schools based on local data and safety resources
The USA Today Editorial Board cites CRPE’s research on school district COVID-19 responses.
Tracking Student Attendance Under Remote Learning Is a Complicated Mess
CRPE’s nationally representative school district COVID-19 response database is cited in Education Week.
Texas deaths rise, Florida cases skew older ahead of test surge
Betheny Gross is quoted in the Houston Chronicle on school reopenings.
The Great Distance-Learning Experiment
Robin Lake is quoted about remote learning by Philanthropy Magazine.
How President Trump Politicized School Reopenings
Robin Lake is quoted in TIME about school reopenings.