“Give us more:” Reimagined report cards at Ednovate thrill students

Who would have expected high school students to be excited about a report card? Ednovate Charter Schools’ new Whole Child Report Card rolled out in our seven schools this year. We knew the updated report card would provide a much more accurate, holistic perspective on how our students are doing. Grades and test scores are […]

Early evidence of improved educator outcomes in Next Education Workforce models

Concerns about the teacher workforce are rising, with fewer teachers recommending the profession and decreasing interest among students. In response, school systems are redesigning teacher roles to make the job more appealing and sustainable. This brief examines early outcomes from the Next Education Workforce™ (NEW) team-based models in Mesa, Arizona, which shift from the traditional […]

Using AI to combine relevance and rigor while empowering students and teachers

AI allows us to do what would have been inconceivable just a year ago. I had a student who loved art. She would have never considered taking a course on computer-integrated manufacturing—challenging even for engineering nerds—until she learned it could help her create a laser-cut flower. Another student passionate about music used computer-aided design and […]

AI is coming to U.S. classrooms, but who will benefit?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving at lightning speed, but will U.S. classrooms be able to evolve with it—and take advantage of its potential benefits? A new report by the American School District Panel (ASDP), a research partnership between the RAND Corporation and CRPE, gives an early look at how AI is influencing teaching and learning, […]

A “good life” after high school: How schools can help students prepare

Today’s students are struggling after they leave the K-12 system: fewer students are enrolling in college, and more of those who enroll are floundering and at risk of dropping out. Meanwhile, many who seek to enter the workforce must discover and select a career pathway on their own if their school focuses mostly on college […]

Interconnected problems, interconnected strategies: Using “strategy braiding” to address teacher workforce challenges

This blog is part of a three-part series on school systems that have been implementing workforce innovations or strategic staffing solutions for several years. The teacher workforce faces a host of post-pandemic challenges, including exacerbated staffing shortages and high levels of burnout. However, one educational leader noted, “Everyone wants single-thread solutions within single verticals… You […]

Postsecondary enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Rhode Island

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of economic and social life, affecting who went to college and where. This paper asks: How did patterns of enrollment and persistence in college and university change during the pandemic? Which postsecondary sectors were the hardest hit by declining enrollment? Were changes in postsecondary enrollment consistent across student subgroups? […]

What lies ahead for teachers unions’ common good agendas

Union militancy is rising in education beyond traditional teacher pay issues to address a broader “common good” agenda, but it seems that this progressive movement is struggling to keep its coalition united. This new era began in 2018 when the Red For Ed movement sought dramatic pay increases in red states (Arizona, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and […]

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