Racial equity in education: A high priority for parents

The summer of 2020 has been one of pain and reckoning for the United States. With widespread protests and discussions happening in the wake of George Floyd’s death, there is reason for concern about children returning to school this fall, beyond the physical health factors. Students will likely carry anxiety, anger, fear, and other unresolved […]

Reinventing on the fly: How learning pods may hint at a new structure for public education

For years, developments at the margins of public education hinted at a new world, struggling to be born. Microschools, hybrid homeschools, and a la carte online courses offered an array of new learning experiences to families with the resources to access them. New institutions like Workspace Education and a growing proliferation of homeschooling collaboratives formed […]

Restoring public education post-COVID

The only survivable posture for a state or school district is to acknowledge uncertainty. That means preparing for multiple scenarios and avoiding long-term commitments to contracts, people, and facilities that might be needed now but not later.

States: It’s not too late to guide districts on teaching and learning

One striking finding of the CRPE and Public Impact review of state reopening plans is what’s not there: the primary purpose of schools, teaching and learning. During COVID-19, states are giving districts only minimal guidance and support about teaching and learning. Yet district and school leaders are already working around the clock to plan for […]

School Year Zero: Now is the time to build an antifragile education system

School as we know it is gone and it won’t be coming back. Deprived of the ability to physically gather grade-level cohorts of students into large facilities reliably staffed by authorized district employees, it lost—with stunning speed—both operational viability and the consent of the governed. Already we’re seeing divergent responses to this new reality.  Administrators—responding […]

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