What Do We Actually Know about the Four-Day School Week?
This brief on the four-day school week answers common questions about its scope and trends and points out what is not yet known about the impacts on students and districts.
Addressing Persistently Underperforming Schools: Evidence and Common Challenges
This brief looks at five strategies city leaders use to improve underperforming schools and lists critical questions leaders should ask when choosing or assessing an improvement strategy.
Lessons Learned About District-Charter Partnerships: How Sharing Instructional Practices Can Pave the Way for More Collaboration
An overview of the district-charter collaboration landscape and one strategy that many cities are pursuing: sharing instructional practices across district and charter schools.
How Personalized Learning Models Can Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities: Thrive Public Schools Case Study
This brief examines how students with special needs are being served by an innovative San Diego charter school network.
How School Culture and Support Systems Can Improve Disciplinary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: Mott Haven Academy Charter School Case Study
This brief examines how students with special needs are being served by an innovative New York City charter school.
Passing Notes: Learning from Efforts to Share Instructional Practices Across District-Charter Lines
This report examines recent efforts of districts and charter schools to share key instructional practices and offers recommendations for education leaders to move forward.
The Slowdown in Bay Area Charter School Growth: Causes and Solutions
This report examines why charter school growth in the San Francisco Bay Area has slowed dramatically and offers solutions for cities nationwide to encourage the development of new high-quality schools.
Unlocking Potential: How Political Skill Can Maximize Superintendent Effectiveness
This paper examines the characteristics of effective superintendents and offers guidance for current and aspiring district leaders as well as those offering superintendent training programs.
Collision Course: Embracing Politics to Succeed in District-Charter Collaboration
This report examines how politics shapes the work of district-charter collaboration and offers strategies for district and charter leaders to improve their chances of success.
Opening the Schoolhouse Door: Helping Charter Schools Access Space in District-Owned Facilities
This paper reviews state policies on providing charter schools with facilities and recommends better incentives for districts to share space.