Understanding Student Discipline Practices in Charter Schools: A Research Agenda
CRPE convened a panel of experts to recommend a more comprehensive approach to capturing discipline data and evaluating and comparing school discipline practices.
The Best of Both Worlds: Can District-Charter Co-Location Be a Win-Win?
This report explores the challenges of leveraging co-location as a tool for school improvement.
The Best of Both Worlds: School District-Charter Sector Boundary Spanners
This paper explores the practice of district superintendents looking beyond the usual candidate pool and hiring administrators who have seen strong successes in the charter sector.
Backfill in Charter High Schools: Practices to Learn From and Questions to be Answered
Paul Hill and Tricia Maas explore the charter high school “backfill” issue, using interviews with charter sector leaders to understand competing perspectives and practices that support transfer students.
Common Enrollment, Parents, and School Choice: Early Evidence from Denver and New Orleans
This report examines the implementation and early results of common enrollment systems in Denver and New Orleans.
Redesigning the District Operating System
How ingrained district operating systems practices can interfere with policy goals and school-level initiative, and why we need to retool the DOS to enable dynamic problem-solving.
The Case for Coherent High Schools
This paper explains why personalized high schools are hard to get and keep, and shows how we can make them more broadly available through changes in policy and philanthropic investments.
Next Generation School Districts: What Capacities Do Districts Need to Create and Sustain Schools That Are Ready to Deliver on Common Core?
This paper argues that district-wide systems changes are necessary to encourage and free up schools to innovate, in order to implement personalized learning at scale and meet the challenges of Common Core.
Title I: Time to Get It Right
This brief presents five clear principles on which Title I formulas should be based and progress measured.
Accountability and the Federal Role: A Third Way on ESEA
In this paper, two different “camps” on school reform find common ground on how to improve educational accountability.