District-Charter Collaboration Compact: Interim Report
This interim report details the first two years of district-charter collaboration in 16 Compact cities, including lessons learned and potential opportunities and challenges ahead.
Ch. 4 – Innovating Toward Sustainability: How Computer Labs Can Enable New Staffing Structures and Savings (HFR ’12)
Suzanne Simburg and Marguerite Roza lay out the cost savings possible if blended learning were adopted by all U.S. public elementary schools, not just charter schools.
Ch. 3 – Innovating at Last? The Rise of Blended Learning in Charter Schools (HFR ’12)
Michael Horn writes about how and why many charter schools in California have innovated through technology and asks what it will take for more to follow nationwide.
Ch. 2 – Incubate for America? (HFR ’12)
Ethan Gray argues that cities should incubate their own high-performing charter schools rather than wait for charter networks to build schools in their area.
Ch. 1 – Charter Inroads in Affluent Communities: Hype or Turning Point? (HFR ’12)
Jeffrey Henig explores the growth of charter school in suburban and affluent areas.
Overview – WIll the Charter Movement Rest on Its Laurels or Innovate and Expand? (HFR ’12)
Editor Robin Lake introduces the key areas explored in this year’s volume of Hopes, Fears, & Reality.
Hopes, Fears, & Reality: A Balanced Look at American Charter Schools in 2012
This year’s edition focuses on growth and innovation and pushes charter school leaders to consider whether they are fully using their flexibility and autonomy on behalf of students.
BRIEF – Principal Concerns in Wisconsin: Focus on Future Leaders for Rural Schools
This analysis finds that over 70% of Wisconsin’s school leaders will still be on the job in five years, with rural districts most affected by upcoming retirements.
Portfolio Strategies, Relinquishment, The Urban School System of the Future, and Smart Districts
This brief shows how some new proposals for K-12 public education governance are complements, rather than alternatives, to the portfolio strategy.
Student-Based Allocation to Enable School Choice
This brief explains the need for student-based allocation to enable student choice and portable funding across schools within districts.