There Is More Than One Way to Grow Great Schools

People who believe in a portfolio strategy believe great schools can prosper in many circumstances. The role of portfolio leaders is to create opportunities for innovation and improvement and to ensure all schools are getting results across all of a city’s public schools. For that reason, we have begun an effort to track and report […]

Rising to John King’s Challenge

Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. has called on charter schools to take the lead on rethinking school discipline. Speaking at the National Charter School Conference in Nashville on Tuesday, he said, “Don’t get caught up in battles about whether charters are a little better or a little worse than average on discipline. Instead, focus on […]

The State of Florida Takes a Leadership Role in District-Charter Collaboration: An Interview with Adam Emerson

The Florida Department of Education has provided two competitive grants to Duval County and Miami-Dade County to foster district-charter collaboration. CRPE research analyst Sean Gill spoke with Adam Emerson, the Florida Department of Education’s charter schools director, about his thoughts on how the collaboration work is progressing. Gill: For readers not familiar, how would you […]

What’s at Stake in the Ongoing Fight About School Spending Comparability?

On the surface, the current dispute about Title I comparability (the requirement that schools within a district must receive comparable resources from state and local sources for education of disadvantaged children before federal funds are added on) is all about money. On one side, Secretary of Education John King is pressing for regulations that would […]

Beyond Quotas: Time for Real Remedies on Harsh Discipline that Excludes Students

Charter schools have come under fire recently around student discipline. As someone who spent a decade working with children at the tragic end of the school-to-prison pipeline, I’m deeply concerned about the real-world ramifications of suspensions and expulsions on students. But overuse of harsh student discipline is not just a charter school issue, it’s a […]

Waive the Waivers

This piece was originally published as part of Fordham’s 2016 Wonkathon in response to the question: What are the “sleeper provisions” of ESSA that might encourage the further expansion of parental choice, at least if advocates seize the opportunity? ESSA provides states with the opportunity to incentivize school districts to expand parent choice. States now […]

Pop Quiz: Suburbs

Pop quiz: Where do most children in the United States live? A. Cities   B. Suburbs If you picked B, you’d be right. Roughly 40 percent of children attending U.S. K-12 schools live in the suburbs, whereas only 30 percent live in cities. Yet, most attention in philanthropy, federal funding, and media focuses on cities, […]

Improving Authorizing to Advance District-Charter Collaboration

District-charter collaboration can be a valuable tool for both sides, not to mention for students and families. Collaboration can result in important work on issues like whether charter schools can use district buildings, how to create effective programs for students with disabilities, how schools are held accountable, or what happens to an expelled student. But […]

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