What the NAEP TUDA Results Don’t Tell Us

The recent NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) had everyone “a twitter” yesterday comparing notes on which districts are leading, which are falling behind. Andy Smarick posted a sobering piece on Flypaper that, among other smart observations, pointed out how badly some of the Broad prize districts had done, while others celebrated promising performance trends […]

State Chiefs Need To Cage-Bust, Too

There is no escaping the idea that state education agencies (SEAs) need to step up their acts. Most are gigantic bureaucracies designed to administer state and federal programs and to hold school districts accountable for reporting and fiscal requirements. It’s not that the work of a typical SEA is totally disconnected from school improvement efforts, […]

Washington’s Charter Schools May Not Be “Common” But They ARE Public

Yesterday, the King County Superior Court issued a ruling on a challenge to the constitutionality of Washington’s State’s charter school law approved by voters last November. Contrary to early media reports that the law was found unconstitutional (setting off a Twitter frenzy), the judge actually upheld the entire charter law, with some minor exceptions. The […]

Don’t Manage Talent by Remote Control

Leaders of portfolio districts agree that schools should be more autonomous and accountable, and that teachers should be judged and rewarded on the basis of performance. Those principles can be complementary, but the actions taken in pursuit of them are sometimes in conflict. In particular, state-mandated teacher evaluation systems can undermine school autonomy. We know […]

Doing No Harm

One of the key arguments of charter school opponents is that charter schools hurt the kids left behind in district-run schools. It is true that as families choose charter schools, district enrollment, and therefore funding, shrinks. But what happens next is up to the districts. If districts choose to preserve expensive central offices and cost […]

New York City Compact Threatened: New Mayor’s Proposed Policies Could Set Back Efforts to Improve District-Charter Collaboration and Equity

NYC’s mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has proposed a moratorium on co-location of district and charter schools and is considering charging rent to at least some charter schools that use city facilities. These moves may threaten both the hard-won relationship between district and charter schools and the well-documented gains in student achievement during the Bloomberg administration. […]

Truth in Advertising in the Portfolio Strategy

Portfolio cities are not all created equal. Some, like New Orleans, have been able to advance quickly. Others are slowed down by the public reactions to school closures or school board turnover or other political or technical realities. District leaders like the idea of accountability for schools, but avoid creating clear performance criteria. They like […]

Mobilizing Parents to Support Governance Reform

Last week, three cities pursuing portfolio strategies held elections. In Denver, voters kept a pro-reform majority on the school board. In Boston, a strong pro-reform mayoral candidate lost, but to a man who serves on a charter school board and favors continued charter expansion. In New York, the mayoralty was won by a candidate who […]

Reinventing Public Education Must Be About Problem Solving, Not Ideology

When Paul Hill wrote CRPE’s treatise, Reinventing Public Education, nearly 20 years ago, he was taking off on an idea developed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler in Reinventing Government: the role of government should be to steer, not to row. It should get out of the business of central planning and instead unleash innovation, […]

City Spotlight: Boston

In Boston, 128 district schools, 16 charter operators, and 22 Catholic schools are represented in their Collaboration Compact. Under this agreement, the three sectors have joined forces to figure out how to best implement the Common Core State Standards, share and develop effective instructional practices via school-to-school partnerships, better align the student enrollment process, deepen […]

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