Is it Safe to Reopen Schools?

This report examines the collective findings of more than 120 studies and considers their implications for current decisions on reopening schools.

To make up for lost learning time, set priorities

For students not to fall perpetually behind because of school closures and the difficulties of virtual learning, schools and districts must set priorities. Students need to catch up as quickly as possible on the core ideas and skills that are prerequisites to the material that will come next year. Schools may need to add tutors […]

Reopening schools hinges upon trust that must be built from the ground up

Trust, a societal resource that has been steadily bleeding away, is indispensable for schooling. As the classic book by Anthony Bryk and Barbara Schneider showed, a school can’t be good, and can’t improve, without trust all around. Teachers must trust one another and show respect for parents and loving concern for children. Parents must trust […]

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