Reopening checkup: Filling the leadership vacuum will help schools focus on engaging students, addressing learning loss
The latest update of our analysis of 100 of the nation’s highest-profile school systems suggests districts have been adapting as they go, but there is much work ahead.
Online learning help: Teen creates website that organizes the best online resources for all ages
Robin Lake appeared on CBS News in a segment about online learning.
Making a School Reopening Decision and Taking the Heat
CRPE’s analysis of district reopening plans is cited in Education Week.
California to consider shorter Smarter Balanced tests this spring
Robin Lake is quoted in EdSource on testing in California.
One Step Forward, One Step Back: Public Health Fears Keep America’s School Districts on a Reopening Treadmill
This brief gives an update on our nationally representative sample of school district reopening plans.
Support Every Student: Lessons from Five Charter Schools on Effective Special Education During the Pandemic
In-depth case studies of five charter schools reveal lessons learned on educating students with disabilities remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Can public education return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic?
Regardless of how long or short a time the current pandemic lasts, the “normal” in politics and schooling is unlikely to return anytime soon.
Survey Finds Most Teachers Assigned Busy Work in the Spring. Now, Experts Say, It’s Time to Give Students More Challenging Assignments — Remote or Not
Robin Lake is quoted in The 74 on instruction amid COVID-19.
Slow responses in shift to remote learning hurting students
CRPE’s fall analysis of remote learning is featured in District Administration.
Some Parents Are Demanding In-Person Schooling as the Pandemic Stretches On
CRPE’s analysis of district reopening plans is cited in TIME.