Interconnected problems, interconnected strategies: Using “strategy braiding” to address teacher workforce challenges
This blog is part of a three-part series on school systems that have been implementing workforce innovations or strategic staffing solutions for several years. The teacher workforce faces a host of post-pandemic challenges, including exacerbated staffing shortages and high levels of burnout. However, one educational leader noted, “Everyone wants single-thread solutions within single verticals… You […]
Postsecondary enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Rhode Island
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of economic and social life, affecting who went to college and where. This paper asks: How did patterns of enrollment and persistence in college and university change during the pandemic? Which postsecondary sectors were the hardest hit by declining enrollment? Were changes in postsecondary enrollment consistent across student subgroups? […]
New state AI policies released: Signs point to inconsistency and fragmentation
In October 2023, CRPE reported that only California and Oregon had provided schools with guidance on navigating AI, while 13 other states planned to release similar guidance. Since then, three additional states have weighed in: North Carolina, West Virginia, and Washington. Virginia’s governor also released an executive order for “AI integration throughout education” that directs its state […]
“We can’t blow it.” District leaders are optimistic about AI but urgently need help
AI is on the move, and it’s not slowing down. The education field is both excited and concerned about the lightning-fast pace of advancements in generative AI. Over the past several months, we at CRPE have interviewed dozens of district leaders across the country about how they view AI and what kind of support they […]
A “good life” for every student: High schools embrace many pathways to success
CRPE & CPRL hosted a webinar on this report with the co-authors and report stakeholders. Check it out! Can the lessons schools learned in the Covid-19 recovery period contribute to more lasting, transformative shifts in high school? Researchers from CRPE and the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL), with support from the Barr Foundation, […]
Communities in the driver’s seat: Black Mothers Forum microschools raise sustainability questions
The Black Mothers Forum (BMF), established in 2016 to combat institutional racism in Phoenix-area schools, responded to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by creating a network of microschools. With Black leadership and a focus on racial justice, BMF fills a unique niche in a region where Black families are often underrepresented. In 2022, CRPE documented […]
2024: Reflecting on 30 years of CRPE
Happy New Year! With the start of 2024, we kick off a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Center on Reinventing Public Education. For me, this anniversary is personal. I have been with CRPE nearly all 30 years—the majority of my life. It has been a true privilege. Humble Beginnings CRPE began with a simple […]
Teachers and tutors together: Reimagining literacy instruction in Oakland
High-quality tutoring has become a critical tool for addressing pandemic learning gaps and accelerating student learning, but access to tutoring programs remains an issue. CRPE took a deep look at how Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) designed and implemented a literacy program with embedded tutoring support from community partners—and the impact the effort had on […]
Teaching, reinvented: How unconventional educator roles pave the way for a more fulfilling and sustainable profession
As school systems struggle to recover from years of disruption, new programs, policies, and nontraditional organizations that support innovation in the teaching role will need to grow to support all students’ learning. But what is it like to teach in new ways? What are the advantages and drawbacks? What brought educators to these unconventional roles […]
AI is already disrupting education, but only 13 states are offering guidance for schools
More states are acknowledging the implications of artificial intelligence technology for our society and institutions, particularly our school systems. However, the emerging state-level guidance for districts is broad and avoids regulatory language, according to CRPE’s latest review of state education department actions on AI. While generative AI rapidly advances, many states continue to defer to […]