District-Charter Collaboration Compact: Interim Report

The Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE), with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has been monitoring, supporting, and analyzing the cross-sector collaborative work undertaken in 16 District-Charter Compact cities. CRPE tracks progress on agreements and reports on local political, legal, and financial barriers to collaboration, and also facilitates networking and problem-solving among participants. Using data and documents from interviews with district and charter leaders, this interim report details the first two years of Compact work and finds evidence that these cities have made mixed progress on a number of fronts, such as facilities sharing, equitable funding for charter schools, more high-performing schools, and improved access to high-quality special education. But challenges like leadership transitions, local anti-charter politics, and key leaders’ unwillingness to prioritize time and resources for implementation have thwarted efforts in some cities. The report includes key Compact agreements and measurements of progress for each city, plus a checklist for district and charter leaders considering a collaboration Compact.

Included in this publication:

Austin City Summary
Baltimore City Summary
Boston City Summary
Central Falls City Summary
Chicago City Summary
Denver City Summary
Hartford City Summary
Los Angeles City Summary
Minneapolis City Summary
Nashville City Summary
New Orleans City Summary
New York City Summary
Philadelphia City Summary
Sacramento City Summary
Spring Branch City Summary

Key Contributors
Cover of Research Report

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