How Can Learning Management Systems be Used Effectively to Improve Student Engagement?
This paper summarizes findings from a consensus panel on using data from learning management systems and software to help educators understand and improve student engagement during remote instruction.
Student Supports, Professional Development, Operations and Finance at Proyecto Vimenti
Three papers document lessons about finance and operations, professional development, and student support from the first year and a half of Proyecto Vimenti, Puerto Rico’s first public charter school.
How Is School Enrollment in Washington State Shifting during COVID-19?
This brief examines shifts in Washington State’s public school enrollment after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
U-Turn: Surge of COVID Cases Reverses Reopening Progress in America’s School Districts
Our December review of a statistically representative sample of 477 districts found 31 percent are operating in fully remote learning—a larger percentage than at any other point during the fall semester.