Learning pods for all, the Hoosier way

Across Indianapolis, hundreds of students are getting help navigating remote learning while school campuses remain closed. The city is now home to two efforts—one led by the local school district, one outside it—to extend an academic lifeline to students who, for a variety of reasons, needed additional support during remote learning.  Once Indianapolis Public Schools […]

Urgent action by states, fed needed to clarify school reopening decisions

Schools around the country are shuttered again this fall as school systems continue to face chaotic conditions as result of the pandemic. As many students begin the school year remotely, families are eager for answers to the question of when schools will open for in-person instruction.  There are no easy answers to this question, of […]

It helps to start small: Lessons on launching schools of choice in a pandemic

“How are we going to [recruit students and families to] this school, because we can’t do anything in person?”  This question, which we heard expressed by one founder of a new-school-to-be in Washington State, is being asked by thousands of schools of choice across the country, ever since most of them closed their campuses last […]

Promising Practices Emerge from Expert Peer Review of District Reopening Plans

CRPE and the Collaborative for Student Success convened experts in emergency planning, health and safety, parent and family advocacy, special education, and school district and state leadership to review school districts’ plans to educate students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This brief presents practices the review panel identified as particularly strong and replicable.

Reversing institutionalized racism in public education

Institutional racism is insidious. It hides in plain sight in arrangements that look neutral but aren’t.  As the Black Lives Matter movement is teaching us, practices can be racist and undermine equity even if well-intentioned people follow them. Even before the coronavirus shutdown that exposed inequities in access to remote learning, important aspects of our […]

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