Ensuring All Students in Indiana Receive Their Fair Share of Funding
This report examines and offers recommendations to resolve Indiana’s student funding inequities.
Lessons from Remote Learning in Six School Systems
This report looks more deeply into a small number of districts and charter management organizations (CMOs), hoping to understand why they took particular approaches to remote learning and how their experiences last spring affected their plans for the fall.
Promising Practices Emerge from Expert Peer Review of District Reopening Plans
CRPE and the Collaborative for Student Success convened experts in emergency planning, health and safety, parent and family advocacy, special education, and school district and state leadership to review school districts’ plans to educate students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This brief presents practices the review panel identified as particularly strong and replicable.
Getting Back to School: An Update on Plans from Across the Country
This brief gives a snapshot from August 17–21 of how school districts across the country are planning for fall 2020.
School Districts Across the Nation Plan for An Uncertain Year Ahead
This brief gives a snapshot from July 27-31 of how school districts across the country are currently planning for fall 2020.
Learning as We Go: Principles for Effective Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This paper summarizes the findings from a panel of assessment experts on diagnostic assessments and their role in helping educators and parents support student learning.
Navigating Out-of-School Learning and the Power of Relationships: Lessons from Year 2 at RESCHOOL Colorado
This report describes the implementation of RESCHOOL Colorado’s Learner Advocate Network between 2018 and 2019 and what it implies for expanding similar efforts elsewhere.
Navigating Choice: How High-Touch Supports Can Address Educational Inequity
This brief presents findings from a preliminary analysis of 10 organizations with school navigator services.
Too Many Schools Leave Learning to Chance During the Pandemic
This brief summarizes our findings from a review of COVID-19 response plans of 477 school districts across the country.
Blueprint4Summer Colorado: Mapping Denver’s Landscape for Summer Enrichment
This brief provides an assessment of lessons learned in the first two years of RESCHOOL Colorado’s initiatives to expand access to out-of-school learning opportunities for children in the Denver area.