What States Can Do to Promote District-Charter Collaboration
This paper explores opportunities for state education agencies to leverage their unique assets to advance district-charter collaboration..
Grappling With Discipline in Autonomous Schools: New Approaches From D.C. and New Orleans
This report profiles leading efforts by two cities to bring consistency and fairness to discipline practices in both district and charter schools.
Suburban Schools: The Unrecognized Frontier in Public Education
This paper reviews trends around changing student populations in suburban America and the accompanying demands facing suburban public school systems.
Financing Personalized Learning: What Can We Learn From First-Generation Adopters?
This paper takes the first systematic look at costs associated with implementing personalized learning schools, how leaders of these schools choose to allocate their funds, and what it might take to make personalized learning financially sustainable on public dollars.
Roots of Engagement in Baton Rouge: How Community Is Shaping the Growth of New School Options
This case study looks at the community engagement efforts underway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where a diverse group of civic leaders are working to create high-quality new school options.
Changing Methods and Mindsets: Lessons from Innovate NYC
Author Steven Hodas shares his experiences working with the New York Department of Education to foster innovative practices and develop more nimble procurement procedures.
The Street-Level Politics of School Reform
Paul Hill and Ashley Jochim profile portfolio strategy efforts in five cities and offer lessons for leaders to sustain long-term education reform amid political opposition.
The Policy Framework for Online Charter Schools
CRPE partnered with Mathematica and CREDO on a rigorous analysis of online charter schools. Our paper examines how state policy shapes the online charter school landscape.
Measuring Up: Educational Improvement and Opportunity in 50 Cities
A groundbreaking new report that measures the health of school systems through a citywide lens.
Making Sense of Charter School Discipline Studies: A Reporter’s Guide
This brief provides guidance for education reporters seeking to interpret findings and draw conclusions about current school discipline research.