Logic Model: How Education Challenges Add Up to 7 Portfolio Components
This logic model outlines the premises, strategy principles, actions, and reform elements of the Portfolio School District model.
BRIEF – Managing Talent for School Coherence: Learning from Charter Management Organizations
This brief summarizes a larger report that looks at how CMOs manage teacher talent.
Managing Talent for School Coherence: Learning from Charter Management Organizations
This report examines how charter management organizations recruit, hire, and develop teachers, and how they manage teacher performance.
Baltimore and the Portfolio School District Strategy
This case study of the implementation of Baltimore City Public Schools’ portfolio strategy explores how the district’s reform work aligns with CRPE’s definition of the portfolio strategy and how it compares to the approaches taken in other districts.
The Evolution of School Support Networks in New York City
In this working paper, Eric Nadelstern discusses New York City’s efforts to change the central office and create a system of support organizations to oversee networks of autonomous schools.
Better Schools Through Better Politics: The Human Side of Portfolio School District Reform
This working paper series examines the politics of portfolio school district reform, with a primary focus on the issues surrounding high school closures.
Learning from Charter School Management Organizations: Strategies for Student Behavior and Teacher Coaching
This is the final report from The National Study of CMO Effectiveness, a four-year study designed to assess the impact of CMOs on student achievement and identify CMO structures and practices that are most effective in raising achievement.
Tinkering Toward Transformation: A Look at Federal School Improvement Grant Implementation
In 2009, the federal government committed over $3 billion to help states and districts turn around their worst-performing schools. This report looks at the results of a field study of the first-year implementation of those grants in Washington State, where researchers found that districts and schools are using the grants for only marginal change.
The Portfolio Mindset: Innovation Starts from the Ground Up
In January 2012, over 100 district and charter leaders gathered in New Orleans for the sixth Portfolio School District Network meeting. John White, new state superintendent of Louisiana, launched the meeting with the idea of a “portfolio mindset,” one that believes that innovation comes from the ground up. This brief presents the themes that emerged from the two-day meeting, as well as next steps for the network.
Ch. 7 – Creating Savvy Choosers: Informing Families About School Choices (HFR ’11)
In this chapter, University of Colorado Denver’s Paul Teske gives an overview of the challenges of helping parents navigate school choice systems.