State Report Cards:
Overall Grade and Usability Scores

Updated September 5, 2024

Our researches gave each state’s report card website an overall grade A-F, as well as a usability score. Click on a state to learn more, or click on the grades and rankings to filter the maps. You can also download the entire data set and learn more about our methodology.

State Report Card Grades

How easy would it be for an interested parent or advocate to find key performance indicators and compare them pre- and post-COVID?

Overall Website Usability

How usable is each state’s online report card website or system?

A team of five reviewers examined each state report card, looking for seven commonly used student performance indicators, including test scores, achievement growth, graduation rates, and absenteeism. For each of the seven indicators, reviewers rated how easy it was for them to find longitudinal data back to pre-COVID on a scale of Easily (3 points), With some difficulty (2 points), With too much difficulty (1 point), Could not find (0 points). The 21 possible points were converted to an A-F total grade. Separately, states were also rated on the overall usability of their report cards on a scale of Great, Good, Fair, Poor.

This report is part of CRPE’s State of the Student Report project, which updates the field annually on the state of public education and COVID-19 recovery efforts. It covers what students and families need, how school systems are responding, what barriers they face, and what promising innovations show the potential to propel a more just, responsive, and joyful public education system.

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