Pods in Action: The Oakland REACH

Shawnie Bennett and her daughter, Xaviar, are members of The Oakland REACH.

Case Study | Powerful Parents: The evolution of the tech hub at The Oakland REACH

The Oakland REACH (REACH), a parent-run education advocacy group embedded in a predominantly Black and Latinx community in Oakland, California, responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by developing programming in response to community needs and found an opportunity to shape practices in schools. REACH’s story demonstrates the potential for community-based organizations to play a larger role in addressing both current challenges and longstanding iniquities in the public education system.

Key Lessons
  1. Centering families: Believing Black and Brown families know what is best for their children allowed REACH to effectively tailor its offerings to community needs.
  2. Relationships and funding: REACH’s connections with community members and active fundraising enabled the organization to deploy resources quickly and nimbly.
  3. Partnership: REACH’s demonstrated ability to meet the evolving needs of the community opened up opportunities for the organization to partner in more meaningful ways with the Oakland Unified School District.
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