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  • Setting the Record Straight on Charter Schools and Achievement: A Reply to Francesca Lopez

Setting the Record Straight on Charter Schools and Achievement: A Reply to Francesca Lopez

At CRPE, we appreciate and encourage scholarly debate. However, a recent review by the National Education Policy Center of one of our reports went well beyond that to misrepresent the report and malign the analysis. I’ve offered the authors of our report—Dr. Julian Betts and Dr. Y. Emily Tang of the University of California San Diego—the opportunity to respond. This report is the third in a series of peer-reviewed reports we commissioned from Betts and Tang to summarize the growing body of evidence on charter school outcomes. The authors’ findings were modest but important. If you missed the report the first time around, I’d encourage you to read the analysis, the critique, and the authors’ response and decide for yourself what to make of the findings. There are too many baseless attacks on academic integrity these days and I’m pleased that Drs. Betts and Tang were willing to take the time to help readers of their report sort fact from fiction.

Read the Authors’ Reply to an NEPC Review

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