Measuring the Impact of the Coronavirus on Teachers, Students and Schools
Robin Lake is quoted by U.S. News and World Report on what data schools should be collecting during the pandemic.
Lake: With New COVID-19 Variant, Reopening Schools in Next 100 Days May Not Be Possible. We Must Plan Accordingly, Not Put Our Heads in the Sand
Robin Lake writes that President Biden’s plan to reopen schools in 100 days may not be possible.
Analysis: Survey of District Leaders Shows Online Learning Is Here to Stay. Some Ways of Making It Work for Students Beyond the Pandemic
Paul Hill and Heather Schwartz write how different stakeholders can use pandemic-related momentum to make online learning a common staple of public schooling.
This Week’s ESSA News: Enrollment Soars at Washington State Charters During Pandemic, Wyoming Hits Pause on Accountability, a Growing Divide in Idaho’s Graduation Rate & More
The 74 features CRPE’s report on shifts in public school enrollment in Washington State since the start of the pandemic.
Your kid might not return to a classroom this year. Are teachers unions to blame?
Robin Lake is quoted in USA Today on President Biden’s plan to reopen schools in 100 days.
Why America has done such a poor job of keeping schools open
CRPE’s research is cited in The Economist.
How Biden’s Data Mandate Could Help Schools Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis
Robin Lake is quoted in Education Week about what the Biden team should prioritize to help schools during the pandemic.
With an Eye Toward Equity, Biden Unveils Plan to Reopen Many Schools in First 100 Days
Robin Lake is quoted in The 74 on President Biden’s plan for reopening schools.
13,000 School Districts, 13,000 Approaches to Teaching During Covid
Robin Lake is quoted in The New York Times on learning loss due to the pandemic.
Don’t force square-peg students back into wrong-shaped holes
While President Biden has promised to have most public schools open within his first 100 days, new data indicate it will be a daunting challenge. Spiking virus rates and intense opposition from teachers unions is causing many school districts to revert to all-remote instruction. The benefits of in-person contact with friends and teachers are real. […]