States must take decisive action to avert the coming education crisis

According to a new analysis of state reopening plans by CRPE and Public Impact, states have largely ceded their role in defining how school systems must address the COVID-19 pandemic.  To be sure, these plans offer recommendations and questions for school system leaders to consider. Many plans suggest measures to protect the health and safety […]

The portfolio strategy post-COVID

Americans have never bought into the idea that all kids are alike. Parents with more than one child regularly say that a school that is just right for one kid is a tough stretch for another. Though many settle for the same school for all their children, most see big differences in what motivates kids […]

More districts are going remote; will they avoid spring’s missteps?

As districts and states grapple with whether and how to bring students back into classrooms, academic planning is getting short shrift and vulnerable groups, such as students experiencing homelessness and English language learners, appear to be especially shortchanged in district planning.

Mask-wearing in public schools must not be a partisan issue

In the debate over whether and how school should reopen in person, I wondered how many states are requiring students to wear face coverings. FutureEd and The 74 put out this handy map on state mask policies and I coded the policies for those that 1) require masks to be worn by students, staff, or […]

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