Innovation, Curriculum, And The Pandemic, Oh My!
Mike McShane’s opinion piece for Forbes cites two CRPE working papers.
Lessons for Improving Curriculum from the COVID–19 Pandemic

There have been countless challenges faced by American families with school-aged children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the many challenges specifically relating to education has been ensuring children had access to a challenging academic curriculum. Whether children have been educated remotely or in hybrid settings, or whether they have been in a pod or homeschool, […]
This Week in Pandemic Education Policy: Kids More Likely to Get COVID at Home Than School, Questioning Our ‘Kids-Last’ Approach & More Updates
The 74 highlights CRPE’s survey report on pandemic learning pods.
Is there a future in the “learning pod” education model?
Marketplace cites CRPE’s survey report on pandemic learning pods.
Will learning pods persist beyond the pandemic?
K–12 Dive covers CRPE’s survey report on pandemic learning pods.
Lessons Learned From Pandemic Learning Pods
Education Week covers CRPE’s survey report on pandemic learning pods.
As virus surged, few Pa. schools signed up for COVID testing
Christine Pitts is quoted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on COVID testing in schools.
COVID-19 relief plans don’t reflect needs of English learners — it’s not too late to change that
The EduRecoveryHub is cited in K–12 Dive.
Finding teachers and bus drivers is a big problem, but a different staffing challenge is looming in school districts

The American School District Panel surveyed school districts nationwide to better understand their staffing challenges in the pandemic’s third school year.
New Research Tracks Charters’ Early Moves During Pandemic
CRPE’s data on district reopening plans is cited in The 74.