Data From 100 Large Urban Districts Show Half Facing Shortages in Key Positions. Fixing That Will Mean Rethinking Teaching & Working in Schools

Our analysis of district information and local media reports finds 93 of 100 large and urban districts have mentioned staffing shortages in the 2021-22 school year.
Notes from our database: The latest on 2021-22’s rocky return to school

The scramble to reopen schools, keep students safe, and keep them learning hasn’t abated.
More masks, more vaccines, more online learning, but what about quarantines? The latest on school district fall reopening

More school districts are requiring masks and vaccines, and remote learning plans are more detailed as the threat of the Delta variant looms.
How 100 large urban districts are wrapping family & community input into plans for spending federal emergency school relief funds

A first look at ESSER priorities indicated many districts may be struggling to reconcile public input with their own strategic priorities.
How 18 top charter school networks are refining remote learning for the fall

18 leading charter school organizations are strengthening curriculum offerings and modifying schedules — although their plans are less detailed than districts’ on remote learning improvements or lessons learned from the spring.
First look at ESSER priorities: Districts are placing their bets on what they know

A $189 billion infusion of federal COVID relief funding gives America’s school districts an unprecedented opportunity to invest in lasting improvements in public education and make their students whole after a year and a half of disruptions.
As urban districts prepare to reopen, most are not doing enough to communicate how they will keep students and teachers safe

As districts move to offer more in-person learning this spring, many teachers, parents and students remain hesitant, worrying whether schools — and their specific campuses and classrooms — are safe.
Community health, vaccination policies & local preference: How 100 districts are reopening after COVID-19 shutdowns

Urban districts across the country have taken a sharp turn toward in-person and hybrid learning in the start of 2021.
What does ‘attendance’ mean for remote learners in a pandemic? How 106 districts are dealing with absenteeism, student engagement & grades

Our analysis of reopening plans in 106 large, high-profile districts finds that they have taken student engagement and attendance far more seriously this fall than they did after schools first closed last spring. But many school systems have struggled to create consistent rules, especially for remote learners.
How 18 top charter school networks are refining remote learning for the fall

Eighteen leading charter school organizations are strengthening curriculum offerings and modifying schedules — although their plans are less detailed than districts’ on remote learning improvements or lessons learned from the spring.