Deficiencies in Spring and Summer Point to Where Districts Must Put Their Attention This Fall

School systems face a monumental challenge preparing for fall amid a public health and fiscal crisis. Vulnerable students can ill afford to repeat this spring, when the initial virus outbreaks and sudden closures caught schools unprepared. Gaps in spring and summer planning can point districts to the critical issues they must attend to in the […]
Summer Haze: School Districts Slow to Communicate What Will Happen After the School Year Ends

The end of an unusual school year is on the horizon, yet few districts have provided details on what, if any, summer learning opportunities their students will have. Summer school is typically used to make up missed credits, provide enrichment, or give working families much-needed childcare. This year, there are new, urgent needs. Almost every […]
School Systems Make a Slow Transition From the Classroom to the Cloud

This is the first in a series of updates on our findings on school district response plans. See our latest analysis here. This week, some school systems across the country returned online after spring break. Others received clearer calls from state leaders to ensure student learning continues through the COVID-19 crisis. A growing number of […]