Data From 100 Large Urban Districts Show Half Facing Shortages in Key Positions. Fixing That Will Mean Rethinking Teaching & Working in Schools
Our analysis of district information and local media reports finds 93 of 100 large and urban districts have mentioned staffing shortages in the 2021-22 school year.
Students experiencing homelessness are largely invisible in school reopening plans
The needs of students experiencing homelessness have been neglected in both the national dialogue on the impact of pandemic-related school closures and school districts’ plans for remote learning.
The Latest From a Nationwide Survey: Districts Continue to Struggle Toward Online Learning
This is the second in a series of updates on our findings on school district response plans. See our latest analysis here. Last week, we released an initial database of district responses to COVID-19, which tracked how districts were serving the basic needs of their students and families in the face of school closures. Since […]