COVID-19 relief plans don’t reflect needs of English learners — it’s not too late to change that
The EduRecoveryHub is cited in K–12 Dive.
New Research Tracks Charters’ Early Moves During Pandemic
CRPE’s data on district reopening plans is cited in The 74.
Livestreaming class is an advantage not available to all Mass. students
Robin Lake is quoted by WGBH on students’ access to livestreamed classes.
The 74 Interview: CRPE’s Robin Lake on the Pandemic’s Missed Opportunities, Lingering Inequities and the ‘Decade of Work Ahead’ to Turn it All Around
In a feature interview from The 74, Robin Lake discusses where things stand on the 700th day since schools closed due to COVID-19.
Will schools require Covid-19 vaccines for students?
CRPE’s database of recovery plans from 100 large and urban districts is cited in Vox.
Texas got $2.4B to safely reopen schools. Some teachers ask where it went
Bree Dusseault is quoted by NBC News on how Texas is spending its COVID relief funds.
Schools are starting to spend Covid relief dollars. Here’s what they’re prioritizing.
Bree Dusseault is quoted by NBC News on how schools are using COVID relief dollars.
Who’s in charge? Adams 14 crisis challenges state accountability system
Christine Pitts is quoted in Chalkbeat Colorado on state accountability.
White House promises to provide schools 10 million free coronavirus tests per month
The Washington Post cites CRPE’s data on the number of schools screening students for COVID-19.
Can Chicago get 100% of students to sign up for COVID testing?
CRPE data on COVID testing in schools is cited.