Using Assessments Wisely This Year

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that ignoring data does not make a problem go away. As schools reopen this fall, educators face an unprecedented challenge in determining how best to meet the individual social, emotional, and academic needs of students impacted not only by prolonged school closures but by long-standing, systemic […]

The Wait for Fall Reopening Plans, and the First Details to Emerge

Parents, students, teachers, policymakers, and community members are all waiting for schools to release fall reopening plans. Four months into COVID-19, and just weeks out from the new school year, very few districts in our database report concrete expectations for the 2020-21 school year.  CRPE has been watching for reopening plans for the 100 districts […]

School’s Out for the Summer: Parents Worry about Social-Emotional Impacts of Closures

As the school year closes, parents are experiencing complex emotions: relief that the remote learning roller coaster has ended, gratitude for the educators who have worked tirelessly these last few months, and worry about the future.  Parents worry—not only about the potential academic loss for students across the country, but about the social-emotional and mental […]

Building Effective Relationships with a Teacher-Family-Student Triangle

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust parents into a new role with their kids: helping them organize their days and weeks, tracking what assignments are due, and providing instructional, social-emotional, and technical support. For schools to have effective working relationships with parents as co-teachers, they must look beyond the traditional teacher-student relationship, and they must manage […]

Schools Can Help Parents by Setting Clear Expectations

In March, schools started to roll out school closure plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For families, the last few months have felt like a roller coaster as they tried to adjust to the everchanging new realities. In May, we interviewed 33 parents, including 7 who were also educators, to gain insight into these […]

Lessons from Remote Learning: Parent Perspectives

This spring’s school closures thrust parents into a new role as co-educators.  Countless stories have emerged of how parents are overwhelmed and how some have “opted out” of school. We at CRPE wanted to dig deeper—to find out more about parent experiences and to help schools and districts capture lessons learned. In May 2020, we […]

The Digital Divide Among Students During COVID-19: Who Has Access? Who Doesn’t?

Our research shows districts in rural areas have been significantly less likely to expect teachers to provide instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools with higher concentrations of students from low-income households have been less likely to expect teachers to provide real-time lessons, track students’ attendance, or grade their assignments.  One critical driver of these disparities […]

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