How Is School Enrollment in Washington State Shifting during COVID-19?
This brief examines shifts in Washington State’s public school enrollment after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
U-Turn: Surge of COVID Cases Reverses Reopening Progress in America’s School Districts
Our December review of a statistically representative sample of 477 districts found 31 percent are operating in fully remote learning—a larger percentage than at any other point during the fall semester.
Putting Families at the Center: The Role of Parent Advocacy Groups during COVID-19
As school systems nationwide struggle to deliver learning in a pandemic, parent advocacy groups are stepping up to help Black and Hispanic families who have often been left out of previous education policy making discussions. This brief profiles four advocacy groups—The Oakland REACH; Parents Amplifying Voices in Education, or PAVE; Kids First Chicago; and Parent […]
How States Can Better Prepare Students for Life After High School
This report examines weaknesses states share in career and technical education and offers recommendations to improve career pathways for students.
Putting Families at the Center: The Role of Parent Advocacy Groups during COVID-19
This brief profiles four parent advocacy groups that have been particularly effective in devising bold solutions during the pandemic crisis.
One Step Forward, One Step Back: Public Health Fears Keep America’s School Districts on a Reopening Treadmill
This brief gives an update on our nationally representative sample of school district reopening plans.
Support Every Student: Lessons from Five Charter Schools on Effective Special Education During the Pandemic
In-depth case studies of five charter schools reveal lessons learned on educating students with disabilities remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lessons from Remote Learning in Six School Systems
Since schools closed in March 2020, CRPE has tracked a sample of school districts and charter networks as they tried to reach students and provide instruction. This report looks more deeply into a smaller number of districts and charter management organizations (CMOs), hoping to understand why they took particular approaches to remote learning and how […]
Ensuring All Students in Indiana Receive Their Fair Share of Funding
School-funding changes over the last decade have created funding inequities for Indiana’s students from low-income communities, students with disabilities, English language learners, and students in public charter schools—inequities which will likely be exacerbated by COVID-19. Students of color are disproportionately impacted by these funding gaps. This report examines what caused these inequities, including 2008 property […]
What Does It Take to Educate Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities in General Education Settings? Lessons from Washington’s Public Charter Schools
This report includes in-depth case studies of five Washington State charter schools to understand their strategies for full inclusion of students with disabilities, and offers recommendations to school leaders and policymakers.