Special education must no longer be an afterthought

When districts closed last spring, students with disabilities were suddenly cut off from receiving legally mandated therapeutic services that allow them to participate in school. Some families reported not even hearing from their child’s special education teachers for the remainder of the school year. Facebook groups filled with stories from parents at their wit’s end, […]

What we learned from deep dives into six school systems’ COVID-19 response

For an analysis we published last week as part of the American School District Panel project, we looked closely at six districts and charter management organizations, hoping to understand why they took particular approaches to remote learning and how their experiences last spring affected their plans for the fall.

Learning pods for all, the Hoosier way

Across Indianapolis, hundreds of students are getting help navigating remote learning while school campuses remain closed. The city is now home to two efforts—one led by the local school district, one outside it—to extend an academic lifeline to students who, for a variety of reasons, needed additional support during remote learning.  Once Indianapolis Public Schools […]

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