Peer pressure, for a purpose: Cooperative learning in Brazil

An unconventional approach Professor Manoel Andrade Neto anxiously scanned the list of students admitted to Brazil’s Federal University of Ceará. He hoped that one student, Toinho, had been prepared enough to qualify. He turned to the last page of the list, where the lowest scorers would appear. Toinho had prepared for the high-stakes exam in […]

How state leaders can stand up for the Covid generation of high schoolers

A high school student looks at the camera, wearing a mask

CRPE director Robin Lake and Travis Pillow, Director of Thought Leadership for Step Up for Students (formerly a senior innovation fellow with CRPE), contributed an essay to this year’s edition of NASBE’s State Education Standard, “Engaging All Students.” With billions of dollars in lost economic activity and untold squandered human potential, COVID-19 threatens to leave an […]

Study: How districts are responding to AI and what it means for the new school year

A child holds a lightbulb with the text AI superimposed over the lightbulb.

This piece was originally published in The 74. Districts are responding in divergent ways to artificial intelligence’s potential to reshape teaching and learning, and most have refrained from defining a districtwide stance for schools to navigate AI, according to a review by the Center on Reinventing Public Education at Arizona State University. By searching for district communications […]

New report: How the pandemic battered student engagement, attendance

Students are heading back to school this year under a cloud of discouraging test score declines in reading and math, an alarming widening of race- and income-based achievement gaps, and a sluggish pace of academic recovery.  We at the Center on Reinventing Public Education are tracking and reporting on test scores, but we’re also keenly […]

Innovation spotlights: Case studies in high school redesign

Educators nationwide are forging their way in a landscape rocked by pandemic-induced disruptions. Training resources designed to spark new thinking among school staff often feel outdated—especially if they were published before 2020. To address this need, the Center on Reinventing Public Education at Arizona State University and the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) […]

Low cost, big gains: Family phone tutoring targets learning loss

The work of post-pandemic learning recovery will take many years. As researchers Tom Kane and Sean Reardon noted in an opinion piece in The New York Times: “Especially in the hardest-hit communities, it is increasingly obvious that many students will not have caught up before the federal money runs out in 2024.”  Schools are hungry […]

Beyond Finland: Public school solutions from around the globe

As Americans, we love innovation and we’re good at it. We pride ourselves on ingenuity. We celebrate inventors. We are, generally, more tolerant of failure than other countries. And our federal government has long allocated money for research and early-stage ideas, from the transcontinental railroad to the internet. At the same time, we have never […]

Shockwaves and innovations: How nations worldwide are dealing with AI in education

1950s children gather around a futuristic spinning globe.

This piece was originally published in The 74. Lake: Other countries are quickly adopting artificial intelligence in schools. Lessons from Singapore, South Korea, India, China, Finland and Japan. Rapid developments in artificial intelligence, especially generative AI (which is trained to analyze large amounts of data and can produce original content) have taken U.S. schools by […]

Unconventional private schools are attracting parents with tailored offerings. Public schools can, too.

School children gather around a picnic table.

Small learning environments that operate outside public schools—such as microschools, hybrid homeschools, and learning pods—exploded into broad public consciousness during the pandemic. While many children who were in these programs have now returned to public school, entrepreneurs continue to expand alternative learning options, and many families are interested in what they offer. One thing is abundantly […]

Review finds states slow to give guidance on how teachers, schools should use AI

This piece was originally published on The 74. Dusseault & Lee: Other than Hawaii’s, no education department has publicly focused on policies governing artificial intelligence in the classroom. Developments in artificial intelligence technology have exploded into the mainstream this year and welcomed people to summon text, audio and images with a few user-friendly AI prompts. The technology […]

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