The Think Forward New England project, funded by the Barr Foundation, examines the opportunities and challenges high schools encounter when striving to create or revamp support systems for the well-being of all their students.

Starting in 2020, CRPE began studying both pandemic learning disruptions and promising examples of innovation. Our recent case study report, published in partnership with the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) illustrated how in some high schools, the pandemic exacerbated an ongoing shift from a narrow vision of student success (like a high school diploma or the “college for all” model) to a more expansive vision of individualized pathways, all of which can lead to a “good life” in adulthood. Achieving such a vision requires both new designs for high schools and rigorous attention to how differentiated postsecondary pathways can promote opportunity for all, rather than perpetuate existing inequalities.

In 2024, we continue to research this region with a laser focus on high school innovation and systems transformation.

Use the quick links below to explore our reports, case studies, and other work. We’ve also included our funding data so users can see how schools are (and are not) investing federal funds for a more equitable academic recovery.



Our latest reports on high school innovation in New England.


Our teaching cases tell stories of innovation as works in progress. They also include discussion questions about important dilemmas in high school redesign.

Grades as a lever to support student learning: One school’s attempt to rethink traditional grading​ »

Should daily attendance be a measure of success? Prioritizing community building and student engagement​ »

Different choices, equal chances: Helping high school students achieve success on their own terms »

From enrollment to completion: Supporting equitable outcomes in challenging coursework »

Is a diploma enough? Setting ambitious visions for success in high schools »

A new normal: Maintaining high expectations and flexibility for high school students »

2021 collection

New England Profiles of Innovation | Nokomis Regional High School

This profile of Nokomis Regional High School in Newport, Maine details the school’s practices that have made it successful, how they have adapted in the fact of the pandemic, and how other school communities can begin conversations about creating flexible pathways for students to design components of their own high school experience.

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New England Profiles of Innovation | Map Academy

This profile of Map Academy from CRPE and the Christensen Institute details the school’s practices that have proven successful, how they have adapted in the face of the pandemic, and how other school communities can begin to make their systems and structures more responsive to students’ needs and interests.

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Other publications and blogs related to our work in systems innovation.

student advisory panel

Our student advisory panel, composed of high schoolers and recent graduates from across New England, provides helpful feedback and insight to help steer our projects.

Sana is a student at Brookline High School in Massachusetts and part of the ACE (Alternative Choices in Education) program. After graduating in 2025, Sana hopes to attend college and major in psychology. When Sana is not in school Sana likes spending time with friends and family and doing arts and crafts.

Bella is a student at MET High School in Rhode Island. She joined the advisory group due to her passions for equity and activism and would love to expand her passion into the world of education and voice her thoughts on this topic with students around the country. Bella is also interested in research and joined the group to gain insight into what research projects look like. After graduating from high school in 2025, Bella plans to attend college to study Environmental Science. Her hobbies include playing the violin, photography, filmmaking, spending time in nature, watching movies, thrifting, and volunteering.

Charlie is a student at Milton High School in Vermont. Charlie joined the advisory group to grow her voice and leadership skills, and to share her experiences as a high schooler in Vermont. After graduating in 2026, Charlie wants to attend college to major in psychology, social services, or writing. Her hobbies and interests include dance, journaling, and playing the piano. She loves to read and spend time with her dog and family.

Madison is a recent high school graduate from the Big Picture Program at South Burlington High School in Vermont. She will be continuing her education at Stonehill College in Massachusetts where she will double major in Criminology and Political Science. Madison joined the advisory group because she is passionate and driven by student-centered learning and hopes to see more students take control of their own learning, just like she did! Her hobbies and interests include traveling and on occasion cooking, but she finds joy in just staying at home and watching sappy movies.

Pablo was a student at Holyoke High School in Massachusetts. He joined the advisory group to help improve schools and get his views out. Pablo graduated in 2024 and is now attending Western New England University. His hobbies and interests include running, biking, and video games.

Annie is a student at Milton High School in Vermont. She joined the advisory group to make a difference within the public education system and show her leadership skills. She is involved in the hiring process and interviewing future teachers at her high school. She also is part of an Athletic Leadership Council that focuses on school spirit and fundraising for future events at her school. After graduating in 2026, she plans to go further in her education and enroll in a Dental Hygiene program. Her hobbies and interests include soccer, reading, painting, baking, traveling, and working out.

Alex D. is a rising freshman at the University of Massachusetts majoring in Electrical Engineering. He holds an internship at his town’s local gas and electric company to learn more about his field of study outside of school. During high school, he was a member of the Varsity soccer, Varsity volleyball, and basketball teams, as well as various groups of students who gave their insights about their high school experience and what adjustments the school could make to give incoming students opportunities to succeed. He aims to earn a master’s degree in electrical engineering and work with satellites one day.

Alex L. is a student at MET High School in Rhode Island. Alex joined the advisory group because her school’s curriculum is intended to prepare students for college and careers via internships, giving her an in-depth perspective on having academic opportunities outside of the classroom. After graduating in 2026, Alex plans to major in anthropology and eventually become a cemetery director. Her hobbies and interests include reading, painting, and perfumery.

Oliver is a student at Milton High School in VT. He joined the advisory group because he wants to share his opinions and make a difference. After graduating in 2026, Oliver wants to start a business.

Amina is a student at Nowell Academy in Rhode Island. She joined the advisory group because she wants to help others. After graduating in 2025, Amina plans to go to college and become a fashion designer.

We’d also like to thank Nasiera, Angel, and Kimberly for their contributions to the panel.


Our database allows users to track American Rescue Plan spending decisions, and our analyses are designed to help advocates facilitate critical conversations about relief spending.


This database tracks district ARP spending decisions in New England. To learn more about how the database was created, please reference the fact sheet below.
This database was last updated in September 2022. 



We wish to extend special thanks to the Barr Foundation for supporting this project.

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