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Charter Schools and Public School Choice

School choice is increasingly the new normal in urban education. But in cities with multiple public school options, how can civic leaders create a choice system that works for all families, whether they choose a charter or district school? To answer this question, CRPE has been studying the opportunities and challenges in “high-choice” cities. We have interviewed civic and education leaders and surveyed parents to identify challenges like uneven school quality and lack of transportation. We’ve also studied ways cities can overcome barriers, such as unified enrollment and common accountability systems, to learn what works and what needs to be refined.

Charter schools offer the potential to create high-performing public schools in districts typically plagued by poor student outcomes. Too often, however, the charter school debate is marred by biased research and polemics. Like all important reform efforts, credible research and analysis must accompany innovation. To assess whether charter schools are fulfilling their mission, we rigorously evaluate their performance, costs, and ability to address unique student needs. New data and evidence help innovators across the country collaborate, communicate, and develop best practices.

In this chapter, Jon Christensen, Jacqueline Meijer-Irons, and Robin Lake lay out the basic data on charter school growth from 2004-2009.

This edition of Hopes, Fears, & Reality explores the lessons high-performing charter schools offer for other public schools, including the alignment of lesson content with state curriculum, frequent formative assessment mirroring high-stakes tests, and the...

This white paper explores the alternative path to graduation that charter high schools make possible.

Study on four urban school districts experimenting with new school designs and new ways of holding schools accountable for performance by implementing a “portfolio strategy.”

As portfolio districts take on duties they were not designed for, this report offers guidance on how to manage some of the most complicated tasks.

This report surveys the broad transportation landscape and conducts in-depth work with families in two cities to determine what role transportation plays in parents’ school decisions, and how districts might address related issues.

This research brief analyzes detailed descriptions of charter school educational programs to better understand how these schools tailor their programs to meet their students’ needs.

Targeted at charter school leadership preparation programs and state and local charter school policy leaders, this brief outlines the challenges faced by current charter school leaders and provides practical recommendations for better preparation and on-the-job...

Targeted at charter school authorizers and state and local technical assistance providers, this brief outlines the challenges faced by current charter school leaders and provides practical recommendations for seeking out and developing high-caliber leaders for...

Targeted at current and future charter school leaders, charter management organizations (CMOs), and charter governing boards, this brief outlines the challenges faced by current charter school leaders and provides practical recommendations for strengthening school leadership....

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