New England Profiles of Innovation | Great Oaks Charter School Bridgeport

As schools across the country continue to search for innovative practices to address pandemic-related learning loss and combat social isolation, experts are pointing to high dosage tutoring as a strategy worthy of consideration. Great Oaks Charter School Bridgeport in Connecticut offers an example of a high dosage tutoring model that has been refined and adapted to meet local needs.

School and district leaders as well as policymakers interested in expanding access to high dosage tutoring should consider the following questions based on the GO-BPT model:

  • How could a service-year program expand staff capacity in high schools and scale the availability of high-dosage tutoring?
  • How might high-dosage tutoring and individualized, small-group instruction benefit all students?
  • How can tutors work with school faculty to maximize impact?
  • What support and training are tutors likely to need?

About the Project

Innovation profiles are part of Think Forward New England, a research project focused on how high schools in New England are reimagining learning for adolescents and young adults in the context of COVID-19. Each profile illustrates a school charting a compelling new course for high school education, and aims to spur new questions and conversations among education leaders about emerging from the pandemic with a commitment to reimagining high school.

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