The Power of “How Are You?”: Teacher Check-ins in Remote Learning

Last week, Fairfax County in Virginia delayed the launch of remote learning due to technical challenges. Earlier in the month, Los Angeles Unified School District reported that about one third of their over 600,000 students were not logging into their online learning platforms regularly, and that about 15,000 had been completely absent since online learning […]

Lessons from Florida’s Fast Action on Remote Learning

On March 13, Florida schools announced an extended spring break, which would be followed by a statewide shutdown extending into April—and now, through the end of the school year.  The initial closure order came on a Friday. The following Monday, the state’s largest school district, and the fifth largest in the nation, went live with […]

Three Ways States Can Tap ESSA to Better Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

The novel coronavirus has shaken the very foundation of the U.S. public education system and upended assumptions about what “schooling” means. With virtually every school in the U.S. affected, the public health crisis has created unprecedented challenges and thrust families into the position of reluctant homeschoolers. States have emerged as a battleground for some of […]

What Post-Katrina New Orleans Can Teach Schools About Addressing COVID Learning Losses

This year, the “summer” break for school children will be six months long. Some learning loss is likely, but it will vary, depending on kids’ opportunities to learn during the coronavirus shutdown and on individual differences—for example, a taste for recreational reading. How can schools figure out where individual kids are? If the kids in […]

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