The Lens
CRPE’s blog – a space where we look around the corner, comment on relevant issues, and propose new ideas for the future of education.
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When you picture a student with a disability, what image comes to mind? Is it the student in a wheelchair? Do they have Down syndrome? Are they able to speak clearly? Often, when we think of students with disabilities, we think of children who look, sound, or behave differently from “typical kids.” However, what we often picture isn’t reality: two-thirds of students with individualized education programs (IEPs) look exactly how one would imagine a “typical kid” to appear.
- The Lens
To CRPE followers, colleagues, and friends: Happy 2025! Longtime readers will know that CRPE prides ourselves on “thinking forward.” We do make straight-out predictions from time to time, but mostly, we look around the corner at looming trends, debates, and developments and consider what it would take to get the best outcomes possible for students.
- The Lens
This article was originally published by ASCD. Team-teaching models provide a built-in support system for new educators, making the job less isolating.
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- The Lens
2025: The Year for Hard Truths and Bold Solutions
To CRPE followers, colleagues, and friends: Happy 2025! Longtime readers will know that CRPE prides ourselves on “thinking forward.” We do make straight-out predictions from time to time, but mostly, we look around the corner at looming trends, debates, and developments and consider what it would take to get the best outcomes possible for students.
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