Driving educational innovation: CRPE and Walton Family Foundation support system-wide innovations in three school districts
The Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) is thrilled to announce the Phase II grantees of our Innovative School Systems Grant (ISSG). In partnership with the Walton Family Foundation, the first phase of this grant provided funding for 11 school districts to refine and pilot bold ideas for lasting systemic change. Over the past nine […]
Taking advantage of the pandemic’s lessons: Remote and hybrid learning in Colorado
Amid the chaos and multiple hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators in the St. Vrain Valley School District vowed to extract long-term lessons from the crisis. We have been rethinking student time, instructional delivery systems, and teacher roles. While the pandemic presented myriad difficulties, it also shed light on the undeniable benefits of technology in […]
“Give us more:” Reimagined report cards at Ednovate thrill students
Who would have expected high school students to be excited about a report card? Ednovate Charter Schools’ new Whole Child Report Card rolled out in our seven schools this year. We knew the updated report card would provide a much more accurate, holistic perspective on how our students are doing. Grades and test scores are […]
Using AI to combine relevance and rigor while empowering students and teachers
AI allows us to do what would have been inconceivable just a year ago. I had a student who loved art. She would have never considered taking a course on computer-integrated manufacturing—challenging even for engineering nerds—until she learned it could help her create a laser-cut flower. Another student passionate about music used computer-aided design and […]