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Focus Area:
Career and College Readiness

Amidst the evolving landscape of education, educators nationwide are actively reshaping career pathways, especially considering the changing demands brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. The disruption prompted a reevaluation of traditional models, leading to a surge in efforts to provide diverse learning opportunities that can prepare students for both careers and college. Notably, the pandemic increased demand for practical skills that students can apply in the workforce, accelerating the shift away from historical vocational program limitations.

As schools navigated the challenges posed by Covid-19, the focus on remote and hybrid learning underscored the need for adaptable and versatile skill sets. This context has further fueled the urgency to infuse secondary education with relevant, real-world skills.

Our ongoing work at CRPE not only explores the practitioner experience of reimagining the high school-to-career continuum, but also considers the implications of the pandemic on education. Against this backdrop, we:

  • address critical questions such as the gaps in current methods of preparing students for life after high school, especially those with disabilities
  • investigate how schools are actively reimagining the high school-to-career continuum, examining experimental models that have emerged in response to the shifting educational landscape
  • delve into state policies that support high-quality and accessible secondary work-based learning and relevant career training, recognizing the imperative for adaptability in education post-pandemic.

Expensive dreams Eraste Talla Ngoualadjo always planned on attending a four-year university in the United States. But when his family emigrated from Cameroon to Boston in 2022, they were astounded by the high cost of...

CRPE & CPRL hosted a webinar on this report with the co-authors and report stakeholders. Check it out! https://youtu.be/z60wtyyXw_g Can the lessons schools learned in the Covid-19 recovery period contribute to more lasting, transformative shifts...

In a report released today, the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) delivers new information on the dire state of classroom instruction and its detrimental impact on academic recovery in the aftermath of three years...

In this report, we conclude our research on five school systems to reveal the academic, social, and political challenges posed by the pandemic and what leaders and their staff are doing to address student learning...

Lakisha Young explains how Oakland REACH is training parents to be literacy tutors.

To be successful, new career pathways must include strategies for overcoming hard-wired habits, schedules, outcome metrics, and course offerings all focused on college prep.

This brief explores how eight rural Colorado school districts increased youth access to internship and dual enrollment opportunities in the 2020-21 school year.

The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER I and II) gave states $4.25 billion in discretionary federal dollars to support K–12 schools, higher education, and workforce initiatives. These were welcome resources, coming just as the...

We interviewed K–12, state, and nonprofit leaders who have been focused on redesigning education and career pathways about how their work has changed in the last year and what their priorities are as the nation...

COVID-19 disrupted the already tenuous system of support for students graduating high school and going on to college or career. Students from low-income households and students of color have been hit hardest. In 2020 many...

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