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Focus Area:
Workforce Innovation

Teachers and leaders are critical to the learning experience.

Systems across the country are rethinking how they manage teacher and leader talent. To inform these management efforts, CRPE examines pressing problems and new approaches related to how districts and schools find, develop, and retain their workforce.

Over a decade ago, CRPE conducted a set of leadership studies funded by the Wallace Foundation’s Leaders Count Initiative. Of all the reports we produced, perhaps the most interesting was on the urban superintendency. (Other...

Today the Fordham Institute added to a growing stack of reports about what states can do to support dramatic improvements in K-12 education. It’s important to think hard about states, which have constitutional authority over...

There is no escaping the idea that state education agencies (SEAs) need to step up their acts. Most are gigantic bureaucracies designed to administer state and federal programs and to hold school districts accountable for...

Leaders of portfolio districts agree that schools should be more autonomous and accountable, and that teachers should be judged and rewarded on the basis of performance. Those principles can be complementary, but the actions taken...

This study explores the primary obstacles that inhibit state education agencies from better supporting school and district improvement.

The Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) has received a $435,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study principals in Washington State and how they are hired and supported by the state’s...

This analysis finds that over 70% of Wisconsin’s school leaders will still be on the job in five years, with rural districts most affected by upcoming retirements.

This analysis finds two thirds of Indiana principals will likely still be leading schools in five years, suggesting the state should focus on evaluating, supporting, and developing its current school leaders.

2012 was a very productive year at CRPE. Below is a recap of some of our more notable publications, and our webinars can be found here. New Book Strife and Progress: Portfolio Strategies For Managing...

For decades, the primary function of state education agencies (SEAs) has been a passive one: to ensure compliance with a vast array of regulations and rules. That won’t be enough for SEAs of the future....

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