This paper finds that shifting from a seniority-based hiring system to a “mutual consent” hiring system leads to a short-term increase in turnover and inexperienced teachers, but after a few years the level of inexperienced...
Systems across the country are rethinking how they manage teacher and leader talent. To inform these management efforts, CRPE examines pressing problems and new approaches related to how districts and schools find, develop, and retain their workforce.
This paper finds that shifting from a seniority-based hiring system to a “mutual consent” hiring system leads to a short-term increase in turnover and inexperienced teachers, but after a few years the level of inexperienced...
Drawing on an an original survey of hiring practices in charter schools and their local school districts in six-states, this paper offers an exploratory look at how charter schools compete for teachers across local contexts....
This brief explores trends in K–12 education jobs—those funded through the stimulus and by other means—to answer the question of what role ARRA played in overall education employment.
This brief demonstrates how, contrary to common worry, closing Title I’s “comparability provision” loophole would not force districts to mandatorily reassign teachers.
In this chapter, Mitch Price considers whether charter schools can coexist with teachers unions and perhaps even provide innovative models for shaping productive new union contracts.
In this chapter, Terry Ryan of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation looks into charters as a school turnaround strategy drawing on Fordham’s experience with sponsoring a charter school in Ohio.
This edition of Hopes, Fears, & Reality explores the lessons high-performing charter schools offer for other public schools, including the alignment of lesson content with state curriculum, frequent formative assessment mirroring high-stakes tests, and the...
Study on four urban school districts experimenting with new school designs and new ways of holding schools accountable for performance by implementing a “portfolio strategy.”
This analysis argues that in the current fiscal climate, districts should rethink automatically paying teachers for master’s degrees, and consider how money could instead be channeled into compensation in ways that lead to improved student...
This analysis shows that school districts faced with large budget gaps could avoid some or all teacher layoffs by rolling back salaries.
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