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Current Research

The world is changing. It is long past time for public education to change as well.

Our current research centers on the changing education landscape in our post-pandemic world and how school systems can meet the ever-evolving needs of students. This includes work in innovative school solutions, responsive systems and policies, workforce innovation, community-led solutions, and the advent of AI.

This analysis finds two thirds of Indiana principals will likely still be leading schools in five years, suggesting the state should focus on evaluating, supporting, and developing its current school leaders.

This brief explains the need for student-based allocation to enable student choice and portable funding across schools within districts.

2012 was a very productive year at CRPE. Below is a recap of some of our more notable publications, and our webinars can be found here. New Book Strife and Progress: Portfolio Strategies For Managing...

Using wage and staffing data from states, this paper projects the financial and staffing implications of one innovative school model (the Rocketship lab rotation) to highlight potential impacts on the schooling workforce and total per-student...

This report offers the first detailed look into the financial implications for public schools embracing student-centered learning models.

This report offers the first detailed look into the financial implications for public schools embracing student-centered learning models.

This report identifies three fiscal requirements of federal education programs that stand in the way of promoting innovation in education. The authors recommend modifications that would break down barriers to innovation as well as promote...

This report examines the distribution of students with special needs in New York State charter and district-run schools. The analysis shows that different levels of comparison yield different results. The authors recommend investments in research...

For decades, the primary function of state education agencies (SEAs) has been a passive one: to ensure compliance with a vast array of regulations and rules. That won’t be enough for SEAs of the future....

This analysis finds that nearly half of Iowa’s principals will be eligible for retirement in the next five years, representing both a challenge and an opportunity for schools and communities statewide.

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