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  • Special Education in Charter Schools

Focus Area:
Special Education in Charter Schools

Are students with special needs being educated effectively in charter schools?

Our analyses of special education enrollment and identification bring evidence to the issue of enrollment gaps between public charter and traditional schools. We have also studied promising new special education funding and service delivery models in New Orleans, which may provide scalable solutions to other cities. Our research provides an evidence base for the policy, practitioner, and research communities to inform more thoughtful policy responses in states and cities with enrollment gaps.

Earlier this month, CRPE brought together 180 district and charter leaders from 30 cities around the country in Memphis for a meeting on school choice: “Good Options and Choices for All Families” was the theme,...

This paper looks at new efforts to ensure special education functions effectively in New Orleans’ full-choice public education landscape.

At CRPE we’ve always believed it’s not preordained that all kids will benefit equally from more choices among public schools. Like any public policy, the results are likely to depend upon an array of complex...

This report summarizes CRPE’s past two years of research and findings of special education in charter schools.

A survey of 4,000 parents in eight “high-choice” cities finds parents are taking advantage of choice, but they want more good options.

At CRPE, we appreciate and encourage scholarly debate. However, a recent review by the National Education Policy Center of one of our reports went well beyond that to misrepresent the report and malign the analysis....

This brief summarizes a new review of the available evidence on charter schools and student achievement

This working paper provides a systematic analysis of the field’s most rigorous studies on charter school achievement.

This study uses student-level enrollment data from Denver to provide evidence on what drives the special education gap between charter and traditional public schools.

I was dismayed by news this week that the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school board failed to renew two Aspire Public Schools charters because these schools are not participating in the district’s special...

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