Cities across the country are grappling with persistent school segregation. While some argue that public school choice increases the problem, there are ways that cities can use carefully designed school choice initiatives as a vehicle...
The world is changing. It is long past time for public education to change as well.
Our current research centers on the changing education landscape in our post-pandemic world and how school systems can meet the ever-evolving needs of students. This includes work in innovative school solutions, responsive systems and policies, workforce innovation, community-led solutions, and the advent of AI.
Cities across the country are grappling with persistent school segregation. While some argue that public school choice increases the problem, there are ways that cities can use carefully designed school choice initiatives as a vehicle...
Summer vacation may still be months away, but school leaders across the country are already gearing up to hire teachers for the next school year. Many will find themselves in the same predicament they’ve faced...
Robin Lake is interviewed on the EdNext Podcast about CRPE’s report Why is Charter Growth Slowing? Lessons from the Bay Area.
CREDO at Stanford University published a new report today, examining the impact and implementation of nonprofit charter management organization (CMO)-led school turnarounds under Louisiana’s Recovery School District (RSD) in New Orleans and Tennessee’s Achievement School...
Robin Lake is quoted in this NPR piece about the virtual schools lobby.
This report examines recent efforts of districts and charter schools to share key instructional practices and offers recommendations for education leaders to move forward.
Paul Hill and Robin Lake write in Education Next that the charter school movement requires a new political strategy to continue to grow.
The national charter movement grew because people from diverse perspectives agreed on the need for a new form of public school free of bureaucratic and union constraints. As political scientist Stephen Page observed, the movement...
Education Week‘s Arianna Prothero covers CRPE’s report The Slowdown of Bay Area Charter School Growth: Causes and Solutions.
This commentary by Paul Hill originally appeared on the School Superintendent Association’s website in The Leading Edge Blog. We at CRPE have been working with superintendent-led initiatives for nearly three decades. We’ve seen a lot...
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