Focus Area:
Legacy Work

This collection encompasses much of CRPE’s foundational research, including school finance and portfolio strategy. While our current focus is in other areas of research, we believe that our past work is still highly relevant today. Further, should the field call for new explorations of these topics, we always leave open the possibility of reviving these research areas.

Drawing from the experiences of high-performing charter school networks, this white paper examines why districts struggle to close the achievement gap, what portfolio district leaders can find when they look outside the traditional system for...

This study identifies key functions performed by state education agencies, estimates the relative level of resources devoted to each activity, and explores ways SEAs could free up resources to build school improvement capacity.

A growing number of urban districts across the country are pursuing a “portfolio strategy,” profoundly changing the role of the school district and its relationship to schools in order to bring about dramatically better outcomes...

This working paper reports on a meeting in which representatives from several states gathered for a candid discussion of the lessons learned from Louisiana’s dramatic school turnaround efforts.

In February 2011, the Center on Reinventing Public Education convened a conference to help districts implementing school choice under the U.S. Department of Education’s Voluntary Public School Choice program. This paper summarizes the two-day conversation...

Over the past two decades, some district leaders have asked urban universities to develop emergency strategies to rescue low-performing schools. How do universities and districts develop effective relationships that align with their missions? 

This brief examines why policies known as “last in, first out” may disproportionately affect schools receiving federal School Improvement Grants.

Washington State is set to spend nearly $100 million in the next two years on pay bonuses for teachers who receive national board certification. This brief explores whether this investment makes a difference in improving...

This report focuses on the evidence to date on how students with special needs fare under choice, and promising new ideas that have yet to be tried.

In April 2010, the Center on Reinventing Public Education and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation convened a group of researchers and financial analysts to discuss how to better understand the financing and sustainability of...

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