Focus Area:
Legacy Work

This collection encompasses much of CRPE’s foundational research, including school finance and portfolio strategy. While our current focus is in other areas of research, we believe that our past work is still highly relevant today. Further, should the field call for new explorations of these topics, we always leave open the possibility of reviving these research areas.

This report summarizes CRPE’s past two years of research and findings of special education in charter schools.

This fall, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation named Cleveland as the twenty-first city to participate in its District-Charter Collaboration Compact initiative. Cleveland serves approximately 56,000 students; about 16,000 of them are enrolled in 73...

Public school choice in Detroit is essential but not yet working effectively. Students with special needs are not welcome in many Detroit charter schools. Lack of good transportation forces stressed families to choose schools based...

The education reform debate can be like a spinning top. It changes course abruptly and without warning but it remains largely focused inward. The dizzying debate around education policy is on a collision course with...

Today Education Next published an article by Ashley Jochim, Michael DeArmond, and me about the state of the Detroit public school system. Given single-digit academic proficiency scores, a weak and splintered charter sector, and a...

At CRPE, we appreciate and encourage scholarly debate. However, a recent review by the National Education Policy Center of one of our reports went well beyond that to misrepresent the report and malign the analysis....

I had the opportunity to speak about the future of charter authorizing to the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), the agency staff and board members who select, oversee, and regulate charter schools. It...

Children in a city need much better schools, but the local board and union prevent change. Is state takeover the remedy? Perhaps. State action has broken logjams in a lot of cities, but it hasn’t...

In this video blog, Christine Campbell looks at typical annual school district report cards and explains how districts could make information more meaningful for families and provide better evidence to inform community decision-making.

This week marks nine years since Hurricane Katrina forced evacuation of New Orleans. The rebuilding of public education there has been a real accomplishment. But the schools there have a long way to go. Due...

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